Become a Pro Ridesharing Driver with These Safe Driving Tips

Become a Pro Ridesharing Driver with These Safe Driving Tips

Safe Driving Tips for Ridesharing

Experiencing some trouble being a new ridesharing driver? Don’t worry! Today we’ll share with you some safe driving tips that take the whole carpooling experience to another level.

Safe Driving Tips for New Ridesharing Drivers

The ridesharing industry has been booming in recent years.

For this reason, more and more people want to become drivers for these types of companies. And, although it might be intimidating for new drivers, it can actually be really easy if you know certain pieces of advice.

Here are some safe driving tips to keep in mind if you want to become a ridesharing driver:

  • Remember to be patient.
  • Be sure to plan in advance your drives.
  • Get yourself a good phone and download an automatic mileage app.
  • Clean and sanitize your car regularly.
  • Avoid going after surges.

Remember to Be Patient

Patience is a virtue. And driving is no exception.

That’s why one of the most important things always to remember is that mistakes happen, especially if you’re new. In fact, no matter which job you have, it’s very likely that anyone makes mistakes on their first days.

It doesn’t matter if you have years of driving, be aware that driving professionally is an entirely different feat.

Being a professional driver implies that you must know and abide by the road laws. Not only that, but you also need to be friendly and cordial at all times. In other words, you’ll have to keep your cool. And, believe it or not, this can be hard to do if you’re dealing with angry passengers.

For this reason, be sure to follow some best practices when driving. Some of these practices include:

  • Keep your car in check.
  • Always wear a seat belt.
  • Practice safe defensive driving.
  • Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you to avoid sudden stops.
  • Respecting posted speed limits and stop signs
  • Remember turning on your headlights at night.
  • Avoiding to drive under the influence and texting and driving
  • Beware of blind spots.

Along with these practices, it’s always a good idea to tell customers that you’re new if you don’t feel confident enough on the road. That way, they can become more forgiving of any mistakes you make.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to turn down any passengers that are too drunk or visibly sick.

Be Sure to Plan in Advance Your Drives 

Planning Out Routes for Drivers

Pro drivers know that planning is essential if they want to have a good day.

That’s why you must add planning to the list of safe driving tips to follow.

Make sure to check out things such as road and weather conditions, trending event info, and even airport demand. That way, you can get a better picture of how the day’s going to be.

Each driver will plan differently according to the city they’re in. For instance, if you want to become a ridesharing driver in Atlanta, you’ll want to plan a couple of hours before heading out since it’s a big city. This way, you can imagine which are the alternate routes in case you need to take a shortcut due to bad traffic.

Moreover, be sure to know which are the surge hours. These surges are among the busiest times for both drivers and riders.

Typically, there are four types of commutes.

We first have the morning surges, which are from Monday through Friday, from 7 AM to 9 AM. We then have the evening surges, which are also from Monday through Friday. However, evening commutes, just like its name implies, happen between 5 PM to 7 PM.

The third type of surge is the weekend commutes, which are generally Fridays and Saturdays, all night long.

Lastly, we have the errand surges, which in most cases are Saturdays and Sundays all day long.

Get Yourself a Good Phone and Download an Automatic Mileage App 

Good Phone and Mileage App

Phones are the most used device of ridesharing drivers. And it’s no wonder since it’s where you get the intel of where to pick up your passengers. By counting on an upgraded phone, you’ll rely on a reliable communication channel between you, your customers, and the company’s main office.

Make sure to have a phone that counts on useful battery expectancy and that stays connected always. You’ll also want to buy yourself a phone mount to attach it to your car’s dashboard.

Along with a good phone, you’ll also want to download a mileage tracker as well. Since working in private transportation companies usually means working as an independent contractor, you’ll want to make sure to keep a record of everything.

Clean and Sanitize Your Car Regularly 

Cleaning and Sanitizing Vehicle for Passengers

With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, disinfecting your car is a must if you want to gain the passengers’ trust.

When keeping your car clean at all times, not only will your clients be safe, but you will also stay safe as well. That’s why you must disinfect areas such as door handle, armrests, and seats. Remember to vacuum the floors as well.

Moreover, you should always keep a hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol for you and your passengers.

Lastly, keep in mind that your car must be clean from the inside out. That means that you should also regularly take it to a car wash. That way, your vehicle will grant a great first impression to the clients.

Avoid Going After Surges 

Avoid Chasing Surges

Last but certainly not least, be sure NEVER to chase surges.

As we stated before, there are certain hours in which there will be a higher demand for ridesharing services. That means there are lots of more riders during that period. And, of course, this can also mean that certain spots will have more riders than drivers.

Although it might be tempting to go after a surge, we suggest that it’s best not to chase them, especially if it’s a last-minute decision. Instead, plan for them!

Like we said in our previous safety tip about planning out the trip, you should strategically map out a route in which you’ll be at the surge spot at the right time. That way, you take advantage of the money you can make of the surges, rather than losing them with a decision done under the wire.

Now that you know the main safe driving tips for rideshare drivers, it’s time for you to put them into practice! Be sure to opt for a good ridesharing company to work with!

Remember to stay focused, stay safe, and avoid at all times distracted driving.